Physical Proof

So, I was totally Zefron-centric for the majority of 2009.
(Some of) the more obvious effects of this obsession are:

- I own all three High School Musical* movies and their soundtracks
- I can sing every line of all three of those soundtracks
- I saw 17 Again eleven times in theaters (yeah, eleven)
- I have a cardboard cutout of Zac in my living room**
- A good portion (read: all) of my free time in 2009 was spent reading Hairspray fanfiction
- I wrote Hairspray fanfiction
- I learned how to dance the mashed-potato and the Madison***
- I own High School Musical and Hairspray memorabilia. I won't go into specifics.

I am not in the throes of a current Zefron obsession (thanks for that, Leeteuk & GD). However. A group I'm in is having a retreat, complete with a "Talent/No Talent" show. I didn't participate last year, but I figured this year I better do it, because I'm never going to find a better outlet to show off this skill I've cultivated. And that skill is.... "dancing" to Bet On It. Like a drag king? I know every move and gesture and facial expression. So, why not embarrass myself thoroughly by demonstrating that in front of a large crowd of people?

Yeah. I've got 2 weeks to practice up, as it's been a while since I was doing this on a regular basis.
Wish me luck.

* Seriously, though - those films are horrific. Well, let me elaborate: The first High School Musical is quite possible the worst thing I have ever seen. The writing is horrible, the acting is horrible, the production is horrible, it just ..... god it's bad. High School Musical 2 takes this theme and RUNS with it. So, it's kind of just as bad, but it seems to know that and embrace it, and thusly becomes highly amusing and, in effect, my favorite of the three. High School Musical 3 was made for the big screen (the first two were made-for-TV movies), and they pumped a lot of money into it, and it shows. If I were a reviewer, I would probably give it a solid "3 Stars" (out of 5) for being generally entertaining and well-produced.

** In my defense, I did not buy him. He was a birthday gift. Which I then vehemently defended like an angry mama bear when people started joking about drawing penises on his face with markers. Seriously. Don't Touch Zac.

*** Slightly tangential. They dance the mashed potato in Hairspray. They dance The Madison (it's kind of like a line dance thing) in the original John Waters' Hairspray. They do do the basic step at the final dance number of the new one, though. Yes, I dance along.

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