New (K) Pops

I love you so much, despite your videos.  Or rather, I'm waiting patiently for this one to suck me in.  Because I hated Beautiful Target the first time I saw it, and now it's one of my favorite kpop videos ever.  So perhaps "Baby I'm Sorry" will subconsciously make me love it in just a few days time. But for right now, it's a little overly-auto-tuned (especially when I know Sandeul doesn't need any auto-tuning to make him sound amazing).

It does take a pretty long journey - starting out all sad and moody, and ending in a dance party... hmmm.  I do like the sentiment there.  DANCE to fix your life.  GodDAMMIT it's already working.  I'm already starting to like it more.  Bah.  You ultimately win me, B1A4.  (And you didn't have to fight me on any of your outfits, they're all amaaaaazing, and I'm sure Gongchan's blonde hair will make me love it pretty soon here.)

I don't really understand if you're real yet.  There've been SO MANY TEASERS and promo videos and "prelude" videos.... I'm not sure if I'm supposed to think of this as the real thing yet.  Is this all of you?  I know there are thousands of you, but maybe this is all of you in your EXO-K incarnation?

Anyway, regardless of my confusion, I have to continue to give props to SM Entertainment for really knowing their craft.  Damn, ALL of you are unbelievably gorgeous (and I'm sure plenty of money was spent making you that gorgeous, silly koreans and your plastic surgery), and this is a spectacularly produced video. You also know that I don't give much of a shit about a plot... All I really want is the dancing and the pretty boys, and I appreciate that you don't distract from those things. And that ridiculous shake your hands in your pants dance is pretty fucking hysterical. 

I was really planning on ignoring you, EXO, because there are just too many of you (the full group, with EXO-M and EXO-K is 20+ members, I think)....  but.... but....  well.  I won't purposefully ignore you anymore. 

Expletive expletive expletive expletive.  WHY IS KPOP SO AMAZING.  I am CONSTANTLY impressed and continually falling in love.  Seriously.  I'm watching this video for the first as I write this... fuck it's SO GOOD and they're SO PRETTY. I knew that one of them was already getting shit for looking too much like a girl, and HOH MY GOD.... seriously.  It's almost impossible to believe he's a dude.  You'll know who I'm talking about as soon as you see him.  Anyway, I really like the vibe and groove of this whole video - and i appreciate they've got a rapper who is perhaps a native English speaker... sounds good.  Okay.  This post was going to be longer, but I now have to go do some Nu'est research.  ^_^

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